Custom Jewelry and CAD/CAM in the Raleigh Area

CAD/CAM manufactured custom jewelry and engagement rings is becoming more and more common place in the raleigh area. While most people think of custom jewelry as hand fabricated or hand carved the reality is that because of reduced costs of labor, more peices than ever are being produced by CAD/CAM.


While hand fabricated jewelry and CAD custom jewelry can’t be put on the same table for comparison, hand carved waxes and a CAD waxes can. And most of the time the CAD piece is better in many ways. Symmetry of engagement rings are almost perfect in CAD production. Also, with the trend of micro pavé being more popular than ever, CAD pieces are much more cost effective when it comes to setting small bead set diamonds. Not to mention that production time is cut down usually by being able to mill or grow the wax model.

So for the customer that wants a certain engagement ring but doesn’t have the budget to have is hand fabricated, the CAD route is becoming the popular choice. J.M. Edwards’ CAD Jewelry Design division is know as Kelham CAD Designs.  At J.M. Edwards Jewelry we have specialized in producing the highest quality jewelry and engagement ring regardless of budget for the past 30 years. Whether you would like the finest hand fabricated piece available, or a cost effective CAD ring we will provide you with the best possible piece of jewelry in North Carolina. Come in and let us make the perfect custom engagement ring for you.